Where are the classes held?

During the Covid -19 pandemic Lainey will be with you all the way.

She will present the workshop via ZOOM and will make sure you can contact her if you have any questions , need to discuss anything or just need some reassurance.

Workshops are usually based in Mount Eliza or frankston and couples are taught from all over Melbourne and country Victoria.

Family Tree: 1524 Nepean Hwy, Mount Eliza, Vic, 3930

Directions and Parking

 When are the classes held?

Saturday 10am – 2pm

Sunday 10am -2pm

When is the best time to commence classes?

The best time to attend between 24-36weeks.

 Does my birth partner have to attend the Bub & Bloom classes?

The booking is for two people and having a baby is a shared journey. It would be best that your birthing partner attends the classes as they will be instrumental in assisting you on the day and being able to bond in that very special way prior to your baby’s birth and after your little one is born. Your birthing partner (whether it be your husband, partner, girlfriend or anyone else who cares for you) will learn these techniques with you, being able to help throughout pregnancy and on your baby’s birthday. These are life skills for all to share and use.

 What is included in the Bub & Bloom classes?

You will receive the Bub & Bloom Masterclass Birthing Manual book and access to dropbox shared file with Bub & Bloom relaxation birth meditations and other resources to aid relaxation whilst COVID-19 restrictions persist.  You will also be presented with further valuable information about pregnancy, labour, birth and parenting taken from years in the field of midwifery to best aid you in preparation for parenthood and you will be welcome to be a part of the Bub & Bloom village here in Mount Eliza where we will be arranging educational events, appointments and social events for families. Watch this space!